Postcards – Research

I begun by researching postcards, I found a few in my house.

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This postcard advertising Andrew Lloyd Webbers Wizard of Oz is very colourful and eye catching, it is aimed at families with children, the design is eye-catching and advertises the price and where you can purchase tickets on the back, it also acts a a memento people would keep after watching the show with one of the main characters featured on the front.

While this is an effective postcard the The Wizard of Oz, there are not any features that I believe would work well in my Postcards.

Picture 17

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Monet’s Gardens at Giverny – Front

I think this postcard is beautiful and one that many people would keep rather than send, it’s more a photograph you would take yourself and the layout on the back does not urge you to write on it as there are no guidlines or stamp boxes, purely a description of the Garden and the photographers name.

I am going to base the back of my postcard on this one as I hope people will look at it and think thats a nice bit of design and keep it.

Picture 15

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